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New Year, New Post
Welcome to 2022. I'm sure there's enough being said on that, so I'll take a pass on the commentary.
But I do want to pop my head up for a few minutes for some quick site announcements. Yes, Story24 is alive and well, fully vaxxed and ready for ... I don't know, what rhymes with vaxxed? I'm a screenwriter, not a poet.
Anyway, the announcements
Yesterday I finally made a contact form on the Contact page instead of referring you all to Instagram, where your DMs tended to go missing for months before I discovered them.
Also yesterday, I updated the Resources page. It's no longer just a single link to the Criterion channel. Now it's a big list of books and other screenwriting resources that you might find helpful, along with brief comments about how helpful I found them to be for me. I'll continue to update the page as other things come to mind, so give it a look and let me know what I'm missing.
A new story circle post is on the way, I promise. Keep your eye on these pages or sign up for the email list (right-hand column under the poll) to be notified when it's out. And yes, by overwhelming request, it is going to be Moonrise Kingdom. What kind of bird are you?
I've got projects, so that's it for now. But you've all got my best wishes for the new year. Let's all stay healthy and do some great work and make it so much better than the last few, okay?
I know you're feeling lonely, but you just can't show up here, tell me you love me, and expect that to make everything all right.
My Books
Praise for Dead Reckoning
“A captivating maritime story, both subtle and dramatic.”
—Kirkus Reviews
“A brisk and bracing read.”
—Glen Starkey, New Times San Luis Obispo
“Enjoy this book before it hits the silver screen. With a story so compelling and
cinematic, populated with irresistible characters, it’s destined to become a major motion picture.”
—Terry Rossio, screenwriter, Pirates of the Caribbean
These notebooks contain story circle templates and blank dot-grid pages
that are great for breaking down your own creations or analyzing the structure
of existing films and stories. Purchase from Amazon:
What movie should I write about next? I have a few ideas, but I‘m open to suggestions:
Cats Children Of Men Donnie Darko Four Weddings and a Funeral Good Will Hunting Grosse Point Blank Hell or High Water Jo Jo Rabbit La Dolce Vita La Notte Logan Miller's Crossing Moonlight (2016) Never Let Me Go Pan's Labyrinth Punch Drunk Love Rambo Star Wars The Big Lebowski The Nice Guys The Raid 2 or something else
Vote Results for Upcoming Posts
Thank you for your suggestion! Be sure to sign up below to be notified when new story circles are posted to the site!
Pan's Labyrinth (15%) Star Wars (12%) Donnie Darko (11%) Jo Jo Rabbit (8%) The Big Lebowski (7%) Punch Drunk Love (7%) Children Of Men (6%) Hell or High Water (5%) Good Will Hunting (5%) Grosse Point Blank (5%) Other
Thanks again! And hey, if you’d like to write one of these articles,
hit me up.
Write for Story24
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love to hear from you. Learn more here:
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