Hi there and welcome to my site. My name is Mike, and I'm a writer based in California. My resume includes a couple of novels and quite a few unproduced screenplays, some of them award winners or very close. I've also spent time as a graphic designer and web developer, and one day I had the idea to combine a few of my skills to put together this site. I was probably putting off more important work; that's usually how it goes.
Anyway, Story24 was designed for breaking down films to see how they work using the story circle method. The site sat inactive for two or three years after an initial burst of activity, but I've been fiddling with it again lately, fixing some old bugs and adding new content.
I have a pretty big list of stories I'd like to write as time allows. We'll see how that goes. If you'd like to be notified of new content when it goes up, be sure to sign up for my mailing list (scroll down the right-hand column). Also, if you have suggestions for stories you'd like me to analyze, there's a poll in that column as well. And if you have any questions or comments, I now have a working contact form.
Thanks for you interest in Story24, and best wishes with your own writing!
What movie should I write about next? I have a few ideas, but I‘m open to suggestions:
CatsThank you for your suggestion! Be sure to sign up below to be notified when new story circles are posted to the site!
Thanks again! And hey, if you’d like to write one of these articles, hit me up.
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